Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Writing Prompt Wednesday

It's Wednesday and you know what that means...Writing Prompt!!

Every now and again we all need a little creativity boost. It doesn't matter that you aren't a writer. We all need that extra incentive now and again and a writing prompt is a good way to get your mind to open up and have some fun.

How does this work?

I post the beginning of a sentence and you finish it. You can write one sentence, a paragraph, or even a page if you like. Just let your mind go and write whatever comes into it. You'd be amazed at the results.

Today's writing prompt - At the barbeque. . .

Now all you have to do is write. Finish the sentence and if you feel like sharing we would love to see what you come up with. It's amazing to see how we all go in different directions.

Most of all Have fun!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Today is my birthday and I’m giving away a book

To help me celebrate my birthday I don’t require a birthday cake (although for the record…I like chocolate) or even a birthday card. I will, however, get a call from my sister who will sing “Happy Birthday” to me. Love that!!

What I need from you to help me celebrate a day where I get a year older but look a year younger is a book giveaway.

And since it’s also writing prompt Wednesday, I thought I would encompass the writing prompt with the book giveaway.

How does this work?

All you have to do is finish the sentence below. If you feel compelled to write more than a sentence then hey! who am I to argue.

Leave your sentence and your email address and I’ll draw a winner at random on Sunday.

Here is the sentence you have to finish:

All she wanted for her birthday was. . .

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Writing Prompt Wednesday

It's Wednesday and you know what that means...Writing Prompt!!

Every now and again we all need a little creativity boost. It doesn't matter that you aren't a writer. We all need that extra incentive now and again and a writing prompt is a good way to get your mind to open up and have some fun.

How does this work?

I post the beginning of a sentence and you finish it. You can write one sentence, a paragraph, or even a page if you like. Just let your mind go and write whatever comes into it. You'd be amazed at the results.

Today's writing prompt - Standing at the snack counter. . .

Now all you have to do is write. Finish the sentence and if you feel like sharing we would love to see what you come up with. It's amazing to see how we all go in different directions.

Most of all Have fun!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Visit a local used bookstore and read

When your doctor gives you the order to do nothing, can you do it?

Uh. . .nope, not me, never. That's what I would have said until this past weekend. Somehow I managed to do very little. That's a new trick for me.

How did I do this?

I accomplished this amazing feat (just ask my friends how amazing) by taking a long drive and then winding my way to a wonderful used bookstore that I haven't visited in quite some time. What a treat!

Within five seconds of walking into the store I found an anthology that has one of my favorite authors in it and a story I have never read. Jackpot!

At the back of the store in this little corner I found some old, out of print, early Harlequin edition books. I was down on hands an knees looking at every title and every author. Yippee! What a special treat. I snatched up about five of those books. Believe me, I held back.

As I made my way back to the front of the store I saw a section with another selection of books from an author that I love. Books I had never even heard of. Holy cow! That is absolutely the best when you find new books, or rather old books by a favored author. I grabbed up every one of the titles I had never heard of.

All total, I walked out of the bookstore with ten new/used books. I hit the readers motherload!

What did I do with all these books?

You are kidding, right? I came home and continued my relaxing day by curling up on the sofa and read. I read one of the out of print books and finished it. On to the next!

Tell us about your last trip to a used bookstore.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Tragedy pulls together a better nation

Ten years ago today, tragedy struck our country like no other tragedy. Not because of war or famine, or disease. The tragedy that struck the United States and all its people was one of evil of the manmade kind. While this blow struck us hard and fast, we as a nation pulled together like no others.

People sacrificed their lives to save others. People they never met and never would have met if not for the mad machinations of a group of people who cared nothing for the lives of others only their misguided beliefs. Police and Firemen rushed to the aide of the citizens they swore to protect and they did. Everyday citizens circled the wagons and helped complete strangers out of the rubble of destruction.
Military personnel moved with as they were trained to help in the aide of our countrymen and women. And when given the command they struck back in our defense, hard and fast, and with one thing on their minds. Protecting us.

September 11, 2001 will live in our memories for the rest of our lives and in history. It will not go down as a day of misfortune and hatred. It will go down as a day of resurrection and joining. We, the people of the United States, joined together to resurrect our strength, power, and love for each other and our country. We fought back, we took care of our own, and we grew stronger, better.

I love this nation and the people in it, and especially those who protect it from the evils of this world. God bless you!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Writing Prompt Wednesday

It's Wednesday and you know what that means...Writing Prompt!!

Every now and again we all need a little creativity boost. It doesn't matter that you aren't a writer. We all need that extra incentive now and again and a writing prompt is a good way to get your mind to open up and have some fun.

How does this work?

I post the beginning of a sentence and you finish it. You can write one sentence, a paragraph, or even a page if you like. Just let your mind go and write whatever comes into it. You'd be amazed at the results.

Today's writing prompt - Sitting in her apartment with the air conditioner broken. . .

Now all you have to do is write. Finish the sentence and if you feel like sharing we would love to see what you come up with. It's amazing to see how we all go in different directions.

Most of all Have fun!

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