Monday, December 1, 2008

Magazine/Newsletter Article

I want to write another magazine article on writing but haven't come up with any great topics so I'm opening this up for discussion.

What would you want to read about in regards to writing?

It could be something you struggle with as a writer, or maybe something that drives you crazy as a reader, or the topic could be something you can't find any information on.

I'm open to suggestions and I'll do the research. Let me know. Thanks!


Jennifer Carroll December 2, 2008 at 7:15 PM  

Hi Denise,
I have SO enjoyed your articles in the last couple of issues of the NHRWA newsletter.
Your writing style is so entertaining and always strikes a chord - thanks! :)
Something I'm struggling with while I'm editing my manuscript is replacing the passive 'was' and 'it' type words (two bizillion of them I think, the last time I checked my word count!) with more description... but nothing too flowery, because that would interrupt the flow.
Decription in general I struggle with. Dialogue is easy, but my description seems to slow the pacing and reads a tad blah, blah, blah-ish for my liking!
Anyhoo - I love reading your articles so whatever topic you choose is immaterial - write on! :)
Jennifer C.

Denise December 2, 2008 at 9:41 PM  

HI Jennifer,

Thanks for the comment. Both are great suggestions for article topics that would probably benefit most of us.

Passive voice is definitely something I think most of us learn about after we've written the novel. :-)

Here's a hint...if you use Microsoft Word you can select a setting under spelling/grammar to have it highlight passive voice and it will catch those sentences as you write so you can fix immediately. What a great thing!!

As for description - I was the same way. During the editing is when I cleaned up the lack of or too much of. And there is s a fine line from drawing a picture to the "Flowery" as you mentioned.
Think of it this way, just like everythig else, description should give you a sense as a reader of being there and should help move the story along.

If I'm a character in your book and you and I are having a conversation what does the reader need to know (see) in order to get a visual clue as to what is happening. For example, is it a nice conversation and we're smiling, is it a genuine smile where the muscles at your temples are involved (crinkle around eyes) or is it a false thin smile?
When your character is walking down a hallway do they need to know anything about the hall in order to move the story along or to add emotion? Maybe it's a long hall where her spike heels are clacking against the wood floor.

Both are great topics for articles. I'll see what I can come up with. Thanks!!

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