Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Summarize

This week was a major coup for me. Why? Because I broke my writer's block and wrote in my WIP. Yea!!

"How?" you ask.

Simple. I took Friday off from work. Hot dang - how smart am I! Amazing what a day of not having to drive in traffic for 3 hours of your life and then deal with politics and deadlines will do for your creativity.

On Saturday, I skipped my NHRWA writer's group meeting, something I rarely do. In this case, I had to. Between the yard work I had skipped last weekend resulting in 6-inch grass, I had to continue to write. You all know what I mean. Never good to break that focus when you are on a roll.

Early this morning when I woke up I found an email from author and graphics designer extraordinaire Jeannie Ruesch ( I know, you're thinking "Big deal." HA! It was. She sent me the preview of my book trailer for "Killer Bunny Hill" - my latest romantic-thriller. OMG! The woman is a genius. I have been playing the thing over and over again. I can't stop. It's like an addiction.

This morning was the first Coffee Lit Chat with author Marianne Arkins ( Well, no one showed up, not that I blame them. After all, who would be crazy enough to go out in the pouring rain just to talk with a couple of writers. Even if we are really cool chicks! But, it was still worth the drive for me because I had the opportunity to meet Marianne for the first time and her daughter.

As Marianne was leaving, my friend and author Nora Le Duc ( walked in so we chatted and critiqued each other's latest WIP. And she brought me a copy of her latest release "Murder Came Calling" that she just received. WOOT! This is my favorite story by Nora LeDuc and the book cover is awesome. You have to read it and meet her heroine, Annie.

After meeting with Nora, I now had the ending for my WIP. I had this scene already in my mind that I wanted to happen, but my characters decided, "NO!" You know how characters can be. Well, big RASPBERRY to them because I will still get my scene only it will be the ending and it will be a killer. HA!

I returned home this afternoon, put in the edits Nora and my father suggested (my first round editor), and then finished a new chapter. I've started the next chapter, but I have an old Sharon Sala book "A Year of Loving Dangerously" calling to me to read before I start next week's Book-A-Week Challenge "Malice" by Lisa Jackson.

The good news is that I reached just shy of 62K this weekend. Now. . .can I keep this new found focus and writing going so I can finish my WIP?

Hm. Any suggestions?


Ceri Hebert June 14, 2009 at 10:06 PM  

Glad to hear you and Marianne had a good time. Wish I could've been there. I would rather have chatted with you two than try on clothes for my upcoming reunion, although I had a good time with my BFF from high school who I haven't seen for about a year.

And I spent too much money and I didn't get any writing done.


Next time!

Denise June 15, 2009 at 11:28 AM  

Next time! :-)

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