Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday and writing

Ah! I actually got up this morning and started writing. I'm close to the end of a chapter so I feel very good. If I can get at least another chapter or two written today I will be ecstatic. My goal for this week is to get to page 75 in my WIP. If I get to page 100 well then I will be doing some heavy celebrating. :-)

After the last two weeks of very little writing, this week is all about my story. I'm going to ignore any thoughts on marketing effort (well, not completely, but mostly). I'm going to forget about homework until the weekend. All this writing I have to do for my class is killing me, not to mention the reading before the writing. The stories kinda suck (for lack of a better descriptive word). I even sent one story to my father to read and I believe he used the same term. Hehe! I don't feel so bad.

Happy writing!


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